The project involved the re-alignment of 3 major feeder roads in the ACT Parliamentary Triangle.
This required the associated re-alignment of all services in the roadway verges (these verges were major thoroughfares for critical trunk services).
Ecowise Services was responsible for the re-alignment of the Commonwealth’s dark fibre network, plus AAPT, TransAct and local government network InTACT.
Ecowise Services' responsibilities were as follows:
It should be emphasized here that this tight fibre termination window
could only have been achieved with extensive pre-planning and documentation, to allow the windows to occur without surprise.
Feedback from two of the clients:
“A fantastic effort, well deserved ‘pat on the back’ for your diligence, consideration and professional attitudes extended toward this project. Congratulations to all involved for the valiant effort in carrying out the civil works, early arrangement and pre-splicing of the cables to enable such a mammoth task to run so smoothly. Well done Ecowise!”
- Karl Brenner, Assistant Director & ICON Architect.
“This has been a truly outstanding performance. The meticulous planning, which goes back many months, set the scene for a great result. The execution of the plan has been masterful... I doubt there is anywhere in the world where splicing on this scale has been carried with such speed and skill. A superb job guys....”
- Ric Glenister, ICON Director.
Powering your future.
The electrical industry is changing, new ideas and needs continue to emerge. Ecowise Services is at the forefront of these new industries and ready to support your journey.
Ecowise Services